What To Do This Summer to Boost Your College Applications

Things to do this summer to Help your College Application Standout- Tips and Tricks!

Summer is right around the corner, literally! I love this time of year- warmer weather, summer plans, school is almost out and I can finally wear flip flops! But, this also means summer plans for students who are looking to boost their college applications with their summer experiences and maximize their summer potential so their applications can stand out among the crowd. 

Summer plans and experiences are vitally important for current high school students, especially now as we continue to face testing cancellations and extra-curricular closures. Many colleges have gone test-optional- 75% to be exact- but in lieu of testing, colleges still need to verify that you are a good fit and match for their setting. They do this through a thorough review of your academics and your experiences.

No matter how you feel about summer, there are a few things that current juniors (rising seniors) can do this summer to ensure their college application stands out among the others. If you’d rather watch than read, check out my podcast on this very topic.

  • Check and recheck your course selections for next year

Colleges are focusing more on the overall picture of your academic career than ever before. Make sure that your course selections for next year are challenging (no senioritis!!), but not so challenging that you can’t do well in them. Classes should be appropriately challenging, as in hard, but not so hard that you can’t earn a B or better!

  • Start working on your college essays

Common App and many colleges have already released their essay topics for the coming application season. Take a look at these and start to formulate some ideas for your essay- even get a rough draft going. This will take some of the pressure off next fall when you are back in the classroom and submitting college apps.

You can even read one of my blog posts on writing an admissions essay, with advice from a current director of admission!

  • Do something

Colleges want students who will contribute to their campus community and the best way to show them that you can fill that role is by doing it now. You can join or rejoin a sport, get a job, volunteer, join or rejoin a club/organization, get an internship, or take up a new hobby. Whatever you do, do something more than hanging out in your room all summer :).

  • Speak up

Another big focus of college admissions at the moment is interaction. Many students are used to hiding behind their computer screens and not turning on their cameras or participating, but colleges want more from you than that. If you attend a virtual admissions event, turn on your camera and say hi or say something. The admissions officer will remember it and remember you in a positive way!

  • Test, if you can.

While many colleges have been test optional and many continue to offer that option, it may start to dwindle- not all colleges have reported what their plans are for next year in terms of testing. Also, some colleges are looking to see AP or IB test scores in lieu of traditional SAT or ACT scores. So, if you have the opportunity (and yes, I know not everyone will have the opportunity), take it.

  • Be honest about community disruption.

The common app has a question regarding community disruption and the latest reports are that not many students are taking advantage of that question to its fullest. Colleges want to know if the pandemic, weather, or community unrest has disrupted your life in any way. Has it canceled classes and provided learning challenges, canceled testing, displaced you from your home, have you or a parent lost a job, have you had to get a job to help financially in your family? There are so many different ways the last few years have been a disruption to us all. Make sure you indicate any disruptions you have had, colleges want to know and want to take that into consideration when considering your application packet.

  • Do something fun every week!

I am a firm believer in doing something fun every week. It can be something little- making extra time for friends or doing something you love, or big- like taking a trip. Make time for yourself.

There is no doubt that the last few years have been a challenge and you are right in the middle of it! You can and should embrace the differences in the process and make them work for you. Follow the suggestions above and you’ll have a great summer and be able to boost your college application in the eyes of admission professionals!

I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for more information, please visit my website- Higher & Hire. If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me here.

Many Thanks!

Valerie Palmer - Career and College Admissions Expert


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