Networking Over the Holidays!

The holidays are right around the corner. I’m excited. It’s a great time to relax and enjoy time with family. And I hope you have plenty of time to do that. However, companies are still hiring during this time and there are several easy ways to network and get noticed during this time that you should dedicate some time to if you are serious in your job search.

Send holiday cards and notes. You can send them to hiring managers for positions you’ve already applied to, this will keep you in the forefront of their mind, especially if you add something personal to them in your note. It’s best to do this as an email. There are plenty of virtual cards out there that you can use.

Go to parties. Yes, you head me correctly. Attending functions and meeting new people is a great way to network over the holidays. Make sure you are mindful of what you are eating and drinking so you make a really good impression. Also, practice a few lines you can use to transition the conversation to your job search and positions you are interested in.

Volunteer. This is great way to meet people in your potential career field and chances are you should have some free time. Use this time to get to know people and how they got started in the field and make personal connections so that you standout for any future openings.

Bonus tips for your holidays:
1. Update your resume, LinkedIn and any other relevant documents. You have the down time so take advantage of it.

2. Reconnect with your network. Reach out to old friends, colleagues, professors and the like. Engage with them about their life and let them know you are seeking a position.

I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for more information, please visit my website- Higher & Hire. If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me here.


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