The Power of Positivity
I’ve recently found myself seeking out sources of positive inspiration and affirmations. The reason for this is two-fold- I’ve witnessed the positive change it’s made in one of my friend’s lives and (secretly) I just found the positive affirmations skill on my Alexa, which has been fun to listen to daily. Until recently, I hadn’t really thought much about how this could impact one’s career, but I was on LinkedIn the other day and saw a fellow career strategist posting about it as well, which really got me thinking- has positivity ever impacted my career or the careers of others that I know?
Yes, yes I do know several people who have had positive changes happen in their careers based on their own positivity. And, if I’m honest, I’ve seen it happen in my own career.
In my own career, I’ve seen the difference it can make when you adopt a fully positive attitude when facing all situations. Even difficult, stressful or simply annoying situations? Yes, all of them! Early in my career, I had taken all of the classes, read all the books and was excited to change the world. When that didn’t happen as soon as I started working in my first job, I started to get frustrated and eventually, my love for my job dwindled and I started going to work feeling downtrodden rather than energized. Over the years, this came out in my work, despite my best efforts. Eventually, I came under the mentorship of some great counselors who shared their positivity with me and forever changed how I would work. My work became more focused, my interactions (though many were difficult) came out in a positive way, and I became more dedicated to my work than I’d been in years.
Recently, I have had the joy of watching a friend only focus on the positives in her life and in chasing positivity in her career and it has made a huge difference for her work life as well. She has started her own business and in just one year has gained thousands of followers and a steady client base. Many of her clients often remark on how her positivity is what attracted them to her services in the first place.
This example may seem highly specific to some, but I assure you it is not. Remaining positive has proven health benefits and sets the tone for how you accomplish your work and life goals. One of the positive affirmations that recently came up on my Amazon Alexa was “It is okay for me to be a positive person.” This really resonated with me. I had never thought of giving myself permission to be positive, but as I heard it and even more as I said it outloud, I knew it was something that I needed to acknowledge. It really is okay to be a positive person. It is okay to welcome positivity into your life, your relationships and your career. It does not matter if other people believe that I am too positive or too negative, what matters is that I feel and am positive and weave that into my being and my pursuits. Since I have started repeating this affirmation regularly, I feel more positive, but I am also giving myself permission to stay positive when others around me are not. This has had a direct impact on my overall happiness, my creativity and my interactions with others.
Now, as a counselor, I want to be clear: I am not telling you to never be sad or mad or hurt or disappointed. Please don’t stop feeling all of the other feels just because you are trying to be more positive. Every emotion has it’s place and it’s space in our lives, hearts and minds. Toxic positivity is a real thing and I’m not suggesting that you be that person, but do give yourself permission to be positive or to reframe things in a positive way. There are many work situations that may arise for you or someone you know in which remaining positive may either make or break your role or just be the saving grace to the situation. The list isn’t exhaustive, but here are some of the top reasons people should remain positive and use positive affirmations when dealing with their career:
You have a boss who undervalues you. This happens too often. You work like crazy to get every project done, on time and perfectly and your boss still picks it apart. This could slowly drive you to hate your work if you aren’t careful.
Your current work situation is full of issues. While you should be searching for something new it may not come up right away and keeping your finances above water is pretty important to us all. Remaining positive until you find a new position is a really helpful way to deal with this situation.
You don’t get the promotion, raise, special project, etc. you were hoping for. This is definitely a frustrating moment, no matter how much you enjoy the other aspects of your job. Rather than letting this cloud how you see your job, positive affirmations can get you through this frustrating time.
You find yourself as the target of undue mistreatment at work- whether from a colleague or your boss. This can wear anyone down and make going to work daily a challenge. Remaining positive can help you through it until HR gets it sorted out or you find a new role.
As I said, this list isn’t comprehensive by any stretch and you may encounter other situations in your career that call for an abundance of positivity.
Also, though not listed above, I am all for speaking your truth into the universe. The more you focus on something in a positive way, the closer you get to that goal. Positive affirmations are one way to speak that truth and focus on your goal. It makes you feel better about yourself and what you can do and motivates you to take the next step in your career to achieve that goal you’re after!
So…some great positive affirmations for your life and your career:
My dream career is mine alone to create.
Career success is mine to bring about.
The more you search, the closer you are to your dream job.
Bring on the new opportunities; I’m all for them!
I’m ticking off career goals from my list.
My team/boss/employer realizes my value.
Interviews don’t scare me; I will be calm and collected.
I bring a lot to the table when it comes to my job.
My work is excellent, and the others know it.
I’ve no shortage of great things in my job right now.
My colleagues enjoy working alongside me.
Even though there are problems, I can turn them into learning experiences.
It’s not wrong to ask for help, so I’ll do it more.
I’ll help my colleagues out when they need it.
This job is teaching me plenty of things, and I’m grateful for it.
I know how to use my time and skills; keep it up!
My career is a long journey, and I’m going to forge my own path.
The more I learn, the more successful I can be.
There are plenty of possibilities I will discover in my career.
Bring it on; challenges are fuel for my growth!
I know looking for a job is difficult, but it won’t stop me from trying again.
This is my dream job, and I’ll make every second of it fun!
I will balance work and family life.
When I forgive myself, I free myself.
Words may shape me, but they do not make me. I am already here.
I will allow myself to evolve.
My life is not a race or competition.
I strive for joy, not perfection.
I practice gratitude for all that I have and all that is yet to come.
I look forward to tomorrow and they opportunities that await me.
I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for more information, please visit my website- Higher & Hire. If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me here.
Many Thanks!
Valerie Palmer
Positive Affirmations for your life and career