Words Matter.

The job market may not have grown as much as was predicted, but that doesn’t mean that there are not a TON of jobs out there to be had. Employers are struggling to keep employees; retention rates are very low. So, that means that it is a great time to snag the job you’ve always wanted or simply to break into the market. Translation- words (on your resume) matter.

There is a lot of research out there to show that hiring managers view a resume for about 20-30 seconds before making a decision on whether or not they will interview that candidate. Make sure that your resume stands out by removing and replacing overused words and adding in your skills and traits that employers are currently looking for.

A recent study done by the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows that problem-solving skills ranks highest among desirable traits for new hires. If you are good at problem-solving, make sure it is on the next version of your resume. If problem-solving isn’t your forte, let’s work together to find some alternatives that will be just as attractive to your future employer.

Another strategy for getting your resume noticed, is ditching the words that are overused by so many job seekers. Fellow career coach, Angela Copeland (of Copeland Coaching) suggests using unique words, such as inventive rather than innovative, to show that you are putting effort and thought into your resume. Putting that extra effort into your resume demonstration employers that you are willing to go above and beyond and that should transfer to your work life.

I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for more information, please visit my website- Higher & Hire. If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me here.


What to Include on Your Resume


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