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Job Search Valerie Palmer Job Search Valerie Palmer

How to Write a Federal Resume

There are many suggestions of how to write a federal resume out there, with so many ideas, the right way can get lost in the mix. This article is an in-depth look of our to write a federal resume that is perfect for the platform and will get you hired into a government job.

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Job Search Valerie Palmer Job Search Valerie Palmer

Day of Unplugging

Unplugging can be a challenge, especially during a job search. As hard as it is, it is vital to our mental and physical health. Here are tips for ways to unplug but continue to network in-person so you can continue to find a job.

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Job Search, College Admissions Valerie Palmer Job Search, College Admissions Valerie Palmer

Hurry Up And Wait.

Application processes are much like a game of hurry and wait. If you’ve played it, then you know. However, there are several things you can do during this waiting period to increase your chances of either acceptance (for college applicants) or hiring (for job seekers). You can find strategies for both types of applicants in this article. Also, for fun, see how zombies are related to your job search.

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