Blog & Resources

Valerie Palmer Valerie Palmer

Workplace Burnout & 6 Burning Questions to Ask Yourself

Workplace burnout has drastically increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting millions of employees worldwide. Managing your work stress and burnout is hugely important for your career success and your mental health. Factors contributing to burnout include poor leadership, excessive workload, lack of control, unclear job expectations, poor work relationships, and insufficient rewards. Employers can mitigate the effects of burnout by promoting work-life balance, providing support and resources, setting clear expectations, recognizing and rewarding achievements, and creating a positive work environment. Encouragingly, employees can also take control of their burnout by establishing healthy boundaries, considering their motivations, and asking themselves important questions to gain insight into their work/life balance.

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Job Search Valerie Palmer Job Search Valerie Palmer

Day of Unplugging

Unplugging can be a challenge, especially during a job search. As hard as it is, it is vital to our mental and physical health. Here are tips for ways to unplug but continue to network in-person so you can continue to find a job.

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Career Counseling Valerie Palmer Career Counseling Valerie Palmer

National Spouse Day

This blog is much closer to home than many of my others- it focuses on my husband’s career journey to show that it is never too late to figure out your passions and pursue them. Career counselors can be a great asset when trying to determine your career goals, read this blog to find out how.

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Valerie Palmer Valerie Palmer

What to Include on Your Resume

Resumes have precious little space that needs to be maximized to show your full potential. Here are some tips on what should be included and/or removed from your resume.

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