Blog & Resources

Career Counseling Valerie Palmer Career Counseling Valerie Palmer

How to Keep Your Work Batteries Charged.

Stress from work impacts all of us, and sometimes it can go beyond just normal stress and cause burnout. After doing a lot of research, I’ve found that there are signs and risk factors for workplace burnout. While we can’t control everything that happens at work, there are things we can do to control how we respond to work stress and to reduce burnout. This article give you signs of burnout, ways to predict if you are likely to face workplace burnout, and ways to cope with workplace stress.

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Career Valerie Palmer Career Valerie Palmer

Working From Home, Supporting Mom & Pop Businesses

Working from home can be a blessing, but it also comes with it’s challenges. Sometimes you need to get out and find other places to do your work from. Why not support local or Mom & Pop Businesses in the process. I’ve listed some of my favorite places to frequent around Corpus Christi, TX and some of the other places I’ve lived.

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