Working From Home, Supporting Mom & Pop Businesses

I love to support small businesses and Mom & Pop Businesses whenever I can. Today is National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day, so I thought I’d do a quick shout out to some of my favorites in this post, as well as talk about some of the challenges of working from home.

While working from home can be incredibly refreshing and rewarding, it does also come with challenges.

  • Monotonous- it can be challenging working from home and not having others to interact with face-to-face if you are an extrovert, like me. Also, I work from the same spot, and have no work reasons to leave my chair (my printer is right next to me!), so that can be a challenge.

  • Staying motivated when household chores are calling- this may sound strange, but sometimes I struggle to stay seated and do my work when there are household projects staring me in the face.

  • Eating lunch alone- as an extrovert, I miss eating lunch with my colleagues!

For me, the best way to combat this is to find alternate work environments at least once per week. I go to a local library, starbucks or some other local businesses that support working professionals. I’ve included some of those local businesses below, plus some of my other favorite places to frequent for various reasons.

Most of my favorites revolve around food, no surprise to those who know me well. I also love finding new places and spaces that I can go to do some work. Since I work from home with my business, Higher & Hire, I sometimes need a change of scenery. Looking at the same four walls all day can be a bit draining. The second one on my list in Corpus Christi, TX is a favorite for changing up my scenery! If you are in the area, make sure you check it out.

I’m new to the Corpus Christi, Texas area, but have already found some great local businesses that I love. Living on the island does limit where I go sometimes, so most of my choices are out here and I love food, so several of my favorites involve food! In no particular order:

  • Celsita’s Restaurant. Their website says they are opening soon, but they are open now and delicious! I highly recommend them for authentic Mexican food on the island.

  • Island Joes Coffee and Gallary. I mean, does it get any better than this! Not really. They have a great atmosphere and I love coming here to get some work done in their relaxing environment.

  • Padre Island Art Gallary. I have found some really great items here that have made great gifts and have filled some of my empty walls. It gives me something new to look at when working from home!

Some of my other favorite local businesses or Mom & Pop Businesses from other places I’ve lived!

  • Pollick’s Pizza. Hands down, the best pizza I’ve ever had in my life! If you are from Northeastern PA, you know there are a lot of options, but this one is so good. It’s my favorite thing to get when I go home to visit family.

  • District Taco. I love love love their burrito bowls- best ever! If you are visiting Washington, DC, make sure you check them out.

  • Lanikai Juice. Such great Acai Bowls. If you are in Hawaii, go to the windward side, check out the best beaches in Hawaii and treat yourself to a great lunch!

  • Bayside Skillet. If you love crepes (and you should love crepes), and are in Ocean City, MD, make sure you check out this jem. They don’t do your typical breakfast, but it is the best breakfast you will get there.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself if you work from home. Visit some new places and try some new things, you may just find a hidden treasure.

I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for more information, please visit my website- Higher & Hire. If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me here.

Many Thanks!

Valerie Palmer - Career and College Admissions Expert


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